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Activated carbon is the most popular type of filter media for both freshwater and saltwater aquariums. This simple and inexpensive method of chemical filtration helps keep tanks clear and odorless, and can even remove toxins and medications from the water column.

However, activated carbon is not necessary for all setups and is only effective when correctly dosed and maintained.

Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about activated carbon and how to use it efficiently in your freshwater or saltwater tank!

Usually, activated carbon needs to be thoroughly rinsed with used-aquarium water to wash off the dust that could otherwise lead to a cloudy tank.

The activated carbon should then be placed in an area of high flow, like in a filter, sump, or reactor. This will allow for the most water to be filtered through, stripping impurities at a greater rate than if it sat in an area of low flow.

Activated carbon will be effective for about 3-6 weeks in the average freshwater or saltwater aquarium setting.

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